Hey there!

I'm Rebecca Derbak

I’m a UX/UI designer and web developer based in St. Louis, MO. I grew up in Texas and will argue that Whataburger, Best Maid Pickles, Dr. Pepper, and Green Onion Dip are the best things to come from the Lone Star State.

I love travel, reading, good conversations, bread, and coffee. I am a bit of a Francophile and very much a Bibliophile. Ireland has a special place in my heart. Petrichor is my favorite smell. I will never turn down a croissant.

My Story

I come from a non-traditional background for someone in the UX Design and Web Development field. I worked as a legal assistant for a decade before changing trajectories to something I was passionate about. I've always been interested in art and creative careers, but ended up going in the complete opposite direction.

I graduated from LaunchCode's Women+ Java/JavaScript Web Development cohort in December 2022. Since then I have been actively continuing my web development learning journey and have expanded into UX Design through Google's Specialization courses.

I find UX Design fascinating and the more I learn, the more interested I am in the career. I love being able to solve user problems and the entire idea of human-centered design.

Why Work With Me?

What I can bring to the table:
- I know how to create wireframes, mockups and prototypes
- I know how to take the design process and adjust it to fit each individual project
- I know how to interpret user feedback from testing and pull actionable information from the results
- I have experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as libraries such as Bootstrap
- With my legal background, I am experienced in working with others from all types of backgrounds and departments, and have the communication skills that come with that

Why I would be a successful UX designer:
- I love to solve problems
- I have a great appreciation for art and design and draw inspiration from everyday things
- I am very empathetic towards others and have embraced user-centered design
- With my coding experience, I understand the needs of developers and how they communicate
- As a lifelong learner, I am constantly seeking ways to improve my craft and learn more

UX Design
User Testing
Adobe CS

Want to get in touch?
Drop me a line!

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